Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Trailer Park Paranormal Investigators #1 The Sleepwalking Corpse

After much time and effort I have my first short story available for purchase on the Kindle and as a paperback on Amazon. I discovered my of love of writing once I started this blog back in 2008. It's been fun to share stories about touring with Calabrese, interviewing celebrities we worked with, and just posting about my memories. Along the way I discovered the fun world of Flash Fictions/Micro Fiction. It reminded me of songwriting, the way you have a restricted amount of words to tell a story, so I found it a fun challenge to craft stories and see if I can get them published online. Those little micro-stories fueled my desire to create larger tales with more depth. So here you have it, a short story I call "The Sleepwalking Corpse." My goal with all this? To create some fun little tales with interesting characters that will hopefully entertain people for a spell. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Flash Fiction - A Knock At The Door

Postcard Shorts just posted my new flash fiction.

A Knock At The Door
By Jimmy Calabrese

"Kill me!" The sailor pleaded. "I'll never make it to the docks in time!"
John tried to slam the door shut, but the sailor forced his way into the house.
"I'm running out of time!" Pulling a knife from his jacket he tossed it to John, who let it clatter to the floor.